Start the New Year off right with a full body 14 Day D.TOX.
Detoxifying your body is different than a cleanse. You will eat real foods but cut out the foods that cause inflammation, plus add supplements that detoxify your organs such as the liver.
The liver is responsible for detoxifying harmful foreign substances, as well as undesirable substances created in the body, such as certain hormones. To eliminate these unwanted substances, the liver uses a two-step process – known as phase I and II detoxification.
14 Day D.TOX Starts Jan 11th
new Year New You
strong lean happy

Our Detox Supplements from THORNE ® Provide the necessary ingredients to support the liver during both phase I and II detoxification. This unique formula contains broad liver support from vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and other specialized nutrients that aid in the detoxification process.*

The D.Tox Program includes recommended dietary suggestions and nutritional supplementation. This can help your body’s trillions of cells repair and regenerate.* In turn, this can optimize their function and help you reach new levels of health and jumpstart any body fat loss plan.*
This D.Tox Program is designed to do two things: (1) decrease your exposure to toxins and allergens and, (2) help your body Detox.* The D.Tox Program lasts three weeks (one week to prepare, 2 weeks of D.Tox) followed by a guide to reintroducing foods. This helps your body detoxify by providing an allergy elimination diet and including essential nutrients and botanicals in MediClear® and FiberMend® that support your liver and GI tract.*
© Thorne & Strong Lean Happy All rights reserved.

Once you purchase your D.Tox Supplements, from my Thorne Website, You will receive an email with
the D.Tox Program Guide
This is a FREE digital Guide with helpful information to make your D.TOX successful including:
How to Prepare for your D.Tox
What food to eat and what to Avoid
Supplement Protocols
Habit Tracker
D.Tox Exercise Suggestions
So much more!
strong lean happy
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.